
School is just getting out . . . but we know you don’t want your children’s minds in “la-la land” for three months! Do what my family and I are doing! We signed up for CollegePrepAmerica! This online course is all about making sure our kids see and understand America’s big picture, the times we are living in, and what’s at stake. We’re training the next generation to take the baton and lead our nation. To do that, our kids need godly, conservative, biblical wisdom and discernment to separate truth from fiction, fact from opinion, and mere propaganda from reality!

You just have to get your family on board! My family and I are loving these amazing, down-to-earth, practical skill-sets taught by Jeff Borders and using a revolutionary media format called Fast Draw Videos—all for only $47.00 a year for FIVE people! The young ones and the old ones will enjoy the competition as each family member competes to earn the most gold medals on the pop quizzes! Hey! My eleven-year-old and I are neck and neck for first place in our family!

Introduction to Electricity (3-DVD Set)Or maybe you are looking for a hands-on course with practical skills for your high school student so they can help out with the “To-Do List” at your house. I recommend Introduction to Electricity or Introduction to Plumbing with Bill Seaman and I as your instructors. These courses don’t employ quite as much silly slapstick as “Dr. Kaboom and Dr. Kabang,” the old VHS series that some of you may remember, but Bill and I have had to fix a lot of stuff, so we are pretty skillful in presenting these practical fix-it-man musts!

UnshakableThen if you want to get more academic, try one of our Unshakable Faith courses! Yes, the mission of Creation Today remains: to take people from wherever they are in their quest to know God — to becoming a fully devoted Christ-follower who is ready not only to SHARE his faith, but to DEFEND it! That is what Unshakable Faith is all about!

Do you know anything about what the top seven religions of the world teach and how they compare to Christianity? Do you know if it matters whether we were created or evolved? Can you definitively defend the authority of the Word of God and apply it to today’s cultural issues? Don’t wait until next fall to start these online courses!

With summer just around the corner, make sure your family is prepared!

For God’s Glory,
